Choosing the Right Tint Percentage for Your Car [Infographics]

Understanding tint percentages is an important part of installing auto window films. The right amount of tint should reflect your preferences but at the same time enable compliance with state laws. Additionally, it is advisable to choose high-quality car window tints for better longevity and sturdiness. When selecting the right tint percentage for your [...]

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6 Things to Avoid When Cleaning Car Windows

Keeping your car windows free from dirt and grime brings numerous benefits. Apart from enhancing aesthetic appeal, it also improves visibility when driving. It also reduces [...]

5 Ways to Protect Your Furniture from Sun Damage [Infographics]

Sunlight is an excellent source of warmth and good old vitamin D. It, however, also has harmful UV rays that can bleach your furniture pieces after prolonged exposure. As [...]

Natural Light and Privacy: How to Have Both for Your Bathroom [Infographics]

Bringing natural light into your bathroom can enhance its aesthetic appeal, increase energy efficiency, and make it a healthier environment. It can also boost your mood and [...]

Home improvements you should have for 2021[Infographics]

The year 2020 has been rough for everyone because of the pandemic and the loss of millions of people's jobs. This year should be a fresh start for everyone who wants to start [...]

Benefits of energy efficiency and how to do it

Nowadays, even your monthly electric bill can cost a fortune, especially now that everyone is inside their home due to the pandemic. As homeowners, you should think of better [...]

How to have a more relaxing home office space [INfOGRAPHICS]

When it comes to being productive at work, you cannot ignore the need for having a comfortable environment. While many people claim that they thrive in high-stress [...]

Window tinting laws by state

Window tinting is the perfect protection for your vehicle as it protects its interior from sun damage. On the other hand, you are also protected by your tints as they avoid [...]

Does smoking inside the car damage window tints? [Infographics]

Window tints have a lot of benefits for your car. Most of the time, car owners tint their windows once they bought their vehicle to be protected against sunlight. Window [...]

Things you should not do inside a car

While modern cars have lots of safety features and a computer that keeps everything running smoothly, including blocking the conflicting commands and warning the driver about [...]

How to keep your home warmer during the holidays [Infographics]

The holidays are approaching, which means that some areas will experience shallow temperatures and heavy snowfall. Despite the pandemic, you can still show some holiday [...]